Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
steak [steɪk] |
load of nonsense [ləud ɔv 'nɔnsens] |
a pack of lies [ə pæk ɔv laɪz] |
load of old cobblers [ləud ɔv əuld 'kɔblərz] |
rare steak [rɛə(r) steɪk] |
load of rubbish [ləud ɔv 'rʌbɪʃ] |
mushroom smothered steak | |
steak and chips [steɪk ænd ʧɪps] |
a pack of lies [ə pæk ɔv laɪz] |
a load of rubbish [ə ləud ɔv 'rʌbɪʃ] |
rare steak [rɛə(r) steɪk] |
fresh tuna steaks [frɛʃ 'tju:nə steɪks] |
Rib eye steak [rɪb aɪ steɪk] |
steaks [steɪks] |
grunt [grʌnt] |
rare/medium/well-done steak [rɛə(r) 'mi:dɪəm wɛl dʌn steɪk] |