Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
fish and chips [fɪʃ ænd ʧɪps] |
baked salmon with chips | |
fried fish and chips [fraɪd fɪʃ ænd ʧɪps] |
steak and chips [steɪk ænd ʧɪps] |
hot fish and chips , please [hɔt fɪʃ ænd ʧɪps pli:z] |
The British love their fish and chips [ðə 'brɪtɪʃ lʌv ðɛə(r) fɪʃ ænd ʧɪps] |
Hot fish and chips please. [hɔt fɪʃ ænd ʧɪps pli:z] |
Hot fish and chips please [hɔt fɪʃ ænd ʧɪps pli:z] |
Can I have fish and chips? [kæn aɪ hæv fɪʃ ænd ʧɪps] |
I just had a cheeseburger with double bacon and fries. [aɪ ʤʌst hæd ə 'ʧi:zbərgə(r) wɪð 'dʌbl 'beɪkən ænd fraɪz] |