Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
campus ['kæmpəs] |
student grant ['stju:dənt grɑ:nt] |
student club | |
student loan ['stju:dənt ləun] |
for Student Affairs | |
join the students' parliament | |
students' identity cards [students' aɪ'dɛntɪtɪ kɑ:dz] |
Are there any student discounts? [ɑ:(r) ðɛə(r) 'ɛnɪ 'stju:dənt dɪs'kaunts] |
student account ['stju:dənt ə'kaunt] |
Do I get an academic transcript at the end of my exchange? [du: aɪ gɛt ən ækə'dɛmɪk 'trænskrɪpt æt ðə ɛnd ɔv maɪ ɪks'ʧeɪnʤ] |
student societies ['stju:dənt sɪ'saɪɪtɪz] |
hall of residence, dormitory, residence hall [hɔ:l ɔv 'rɛzɪdəns 'dɔ:mɪtrɪ 'rɛzɪdəns hɔ:l] |
student account ['stju:dənt ə'kaunt] |