Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
chicken with vegetables ['ʧɪkɪn wɪð 'vɛʤtəblz] |
i want to eat fish with rice and vegetables [aɪ wɔnt tu i:t fɪʃ wɪð raɪs ænd 'vɛʤtəblz] |
How much is vegetable soup? [hau mʌʧ ɪz 'vɛʤtəbl su:p] |
produce section [prə'du:s 'sɛkʃən] |
stop picking at your vegetables [stɔp 'pɪkɪŋ æt jɔ:(r) 'vɛʤtəblz] |
roast lamb with vegetables [rəust læm wɪð 'vɛʤtəblz] |
stir fry [stə:(r) fraɪ] |
greengrocer's [greengrocer\'s] |