Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
infamous ['ɪnfəməs] |
overweight [əuvə'weɪt] |
pithy ['pɪθɪ] |
presentable [prə'zɛntəbl] |
relevant ['rɛləvənt] |
thoroughbred ['θə:əbrɛd] |
undersized ['ʌndərsaɪzd] |
relieved [rɪ'li:vd] |
ranking ['ræŋkɪŋ] |
well-intentioned | |
obsessed [əb'sɛst] |
open-minded ['əupən 'maɪndəd] |
having sense of humour | |
fed up [fɛd ʌp] |
aimed at [eɪmd æt] |
strong-willed [strɔŋ wɪld] |
predisposed [pri:dɪs'pəuzd] |
relevant ['rɛləvənt] |
relevant ['rɛləvənt] |
adventageous | |
muddle-headed ['mʌdl 'hɛdəd] |
due to replace me [dju: tu rɪ'pleɪs mi:] |
highly motivated ['haɪlɪ 'məutəveɪtəd] |
understaffed ['ʌndərstæft] |
accompanied [ə'kʌmpənɪd] |
based in [beɪst ɪn] |
relevant ['rɛləvənt] |
lucky ['lʌkɪ] |
applicable ['æplɪkəbl] |
imaginative [ɪ'mæʤənətɪv] |
aimed to [eɪmd tu] |
nauseous ['nɔʃəs] |
commercially successful [kə'mə:ʃəlɪ sɪk'sɛsful] |
hopeful of/about ['həupful ɔv ə'baut] |
eye-opening [aɪ 'əupənɪŋ] |
in authority [ɪn ɔ:'θɔrɪtɪ] |
overweight [əuvə'weɪt] |
due to arrive [dju: tu ə'raɪv] |
relaxed about sth [rɪ'lækst ə'baut 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
wishful ['wɪʃfəl] |
good with people [gud wɪð 'pi:pl] |
relaxed about sth [rɪ'lækst ə'baut 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
fed up [fɛd ʌp] |
aiming at ['eɪmɪŋ æt] |