Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
staghorn sumac [staghorn 'sju:mæk] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
disjunction | |
sum [sʌm] |
amount [ə'maunt] |
aggregated ['ægrəgeɪtəd] |
principal ['prɪnsɪpl] |
isohyets | |
sub total | |
total ['təutl] |
sum over histories [sʌm 'əuvə(r) 'hɪstərɪz] |
COVERAGE ['kʌvərəʤ] |
the amount of [ðə ə'maunt ɔv] |
binary adder ['baɪnərɪ 'ædə(r)] |
The sum of spent money is rounded off to the nearest whole zloty. [ðə sʌm ɔv spɛnt 'mʌnɪ ɪz 'raundəd ɔf tu ðə 'nɪrɪst həul 'zlɔ:tɪ] |
aggregate ['ægrɪgɪt] |
amount [ə'maunt] |
amount [ə'maunt] |
total to pay ['təutl tu peɪ] |
staghorn sumac [staghorn 'sju:mæk] |