Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
mulberry ['mʌlbɛrɪ] |
pikestaff | |
timber ['tɪmbə(r)] |
tree [tri:] |
woodcut | |
family tree ['fæməlɪ tri:] |
palm trees [pɑ:m tri:z] |
cherry tree | |
fig tree | |
olive tree ['ɔləv tri:] |
theobroma cacao | |
wood [wud] |
trees [tri:z] |
conifer ['kɔnəfə(r)] |
fruit trees are growing | |
genealogical trees | |
wood engraving | |
trees burn | |
trees fall down | |
trees shake | |
tree diagram [tri: 'daɪəgræm] |
The trees that whisper in the evening [ðə tri:z ðæt 'wɪspə(r) ɪn ðə 'i:vnɪŋ] |
trees barren of leaves [tri:z 'bærən ɔv li:vz] |
woodcut [woodcut] |
wood-engraving [wud ɪn'greɪvɪŋ] |
Wood [wud] |
The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit. [ðə tri:z ðæt ɑ:(r) sləu tu grəu bɛə(r) ðə bɛst fru:t] |
broad-leaved trees [brɔ:d leaved tri:z] |
fruit tree [fru:t tri:] |
coniferous trees [kə'nɪfərəs tri:z] |
a family tree [ə 'fæməlɪ tri:] |
deciduous tree [dɪ'sɪdjuəs tri:] |
B-tree [bi: tri:] |
The tree toppled over in the storm. [ðə tri: 'tɔpəld 'əuvə(r) ɪn ðə stɔ:m] |
bald tree [bɔ:ld tri:] |
bent tree [bɛnt tri:] |
broadleaf tree [broadleaf tri:] |
codominant tree [codominant tri:] |
crop tree [krɔp tri:] |
cull tree [kʌl tri:] |
den tree [dɛn tri:] |
dominant tree ['dɔmɪnənt tri:] |
down tree [daun tri:] |
fast growing [fɑ:st 'grəuɪŋ] |
infested tree [ɪn'fɛstəd tri:] |
mature tree [mə'ʧur tri:] |
plus tree [plʌs tri:] |
stunted tree ['stʌntɪd tri:] |
timber ['tɪmbə(r)] |