Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
specific [spɪ'sɪfɪk] |
T.Linneusz 1735 | |
conserving the species [kən'sə:vɪŋ ðə 'spi:ʃɪz] |
extinction of endangered species [ɪks'tɪŋkʃən ɔv en'deɪnʤərd 'spi:ʃɪz] |
I listen to different kinds of music, I like pop and reggae. My favorite star is Rihanna. [aɪ 'lɪsɪn tu 'dɪfərənt kaɪndz ɔv 'mju:zɪk aɪ laɪk pɔp ænd 'rɛgeɪ maɪ 'feɪvərɪt stɑ: ɪz Rihanna] |
animal extinction ['ænɪməl ɪks'tɪŋkʃən] |
critically endangered spieces list ['krɪtɪkəlɪ en'deɪnʤərd spieces lɪst] |
The jungle is home to a countless number of exotic species. [ðə 'ʤʌŋgl ɪz həum tu ə 'kauntləs 'nʌmbə(r) ɔv ɪg'zɔtɪk 'spi:ʃɪz] |
extinction of many species [ɪks'tɪŋkʃən ɔv 'mɛnɪ 'spi:ʃɪz] |
to result in decimation of numerous species [tu rɪ'zʌlt ɪn 'dɛsɪmeɪʃən ɔv 'nju:mərəs 'spi:ʃɪz] |
dendrology [dendrology] |