Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
Faculty of Fine Arts | |
Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław | |
collage of art | |
College of Art | |
I saw many beautiful monuments. [aɪ sɔ: 'mɛnɪ 'bju:tɪful 'mɔnjumənts] |
It will be a book about beautiful women, thieves and police. [ɪt wɪl bi: ə buk ə'baut 'bju:tɪful 'wɪmɪn θi:vz ænd pə'li:s] |
art school [ɑ:t sku:l] |
Fine Arts academy [faɪn ɑ:ts ə'kædəmɪ] |
I was scared of pretty girls. [aɪ wɔz skɛrd ɔv 'prɪtɪ gə:lz] |
art college [ɑ:t 'kɔlɪʤ] |