Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
job opportunities [ʤɔb ɑpər'tu:nɪtɪz] |
Tomy's futile attempts to find a decent have made him completely upset | |
The likelihood of finding a stolen car is very low [ðə 'laɪklɪhud ɔv 'faɪndɪŋ ə 'stəulən kɑ:(r) ɪz 'vɛrɪ ləu] |
It's quite easy to find [It's kwaɪt 'i:zɪ tu faɪnd] |
untraceable [ən'treɪsɪbl] |
difficult to find, to say the least ['dɪfɪkəlt tu faɪnd tu seɪ ðə li:st] |