Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
no way [nəu weɪ] |
no way [nəu weɪ] |
It's impossible for a penguin to fly. | |
beyond belief [bɪ'ɔnd bɪ'li:f] |
You can't be right. [ju: kænt bi: raɪt] |
Tom can't know [tɔm can't nəu] |
impossible [ɪm'pɔsɪbl] |
terribly ['tɛrəblɪ] |
it can't be [ɪt kænt bi:] |
Implacable (adj.): unable to be changed, satisfied, or stopped: (Despite our best efforts, the baby remained implacable throughout the night.) [ɪm'plækəbl adj ə'neɪbl tu bi: ʧeɪnʤd 'sætɪsfaɪd ɔ:(r) stɔpt dɪs'paɪt 'auə(r) bɛst 'ɛfərts ðə 'beɪbɪ rɪ'meɪnd ɪm'plækəbl θru:'aut ðə naɪt] |