Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
start the programme | |
run sth [rʌn 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
put in motion [put ɪn 'məuʃən] |
start up [stɑ:t ʌp] |
to activate a parachute | |
run an office | |
get smth operational | |
start off | |
set sth in motion [sɛt 'sʌmθɪŋ ɪn 'məuʃən] |
set off the alarm | |
reboot [reboot] |
release [rɪ'li:s] |
launch a website [lɔ:nʧ ə 'wɛbsaɪt] |
launch [lɔ:nʧ] |
restart [rɪs'tɑ:t] |
hot wire [hɔt 'waɪə(r)] |
activate ['æktəveɪt] |
go off [gəu ɔf] |
start a car [stɑ:t ə kɑ:(r)] |
switch on the engine [swɪʧ ɔn ðə 'ɛnʤən] |
switch on/ off the engine [swɪʧ ɔn ɔf ðə 'ɛnʤən] |
start up a computer [stɑ:t ʌp ə kəm'pju:tə(r)] |