Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
amuse [ə'mju:z] |
sittingroom | |
play [pleɪ] |
have a great time [hæv ə greɪt taɪm] |
play cat and mouse | |
play with [pleɪ wɪð] |
play [pleɪ] |
to amuse yourself | |
I had fun in Russia , but I was ready to come home. | |
play at | |
playing happily on the shore ['pleɪɪŋ 'hæpɪlɪ ɔn ðə ʃɔ:(r)] |
twiddle with sth ['twɪdl wɪð 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
play with [pleɪ wɪð] |
we had fun together [wi: hæd fʌn tə'gɛðə(r)] |
to party | |
entertain [ɛntər'teɪn] |
fidgeting ['fɪʤətɪŋ] |
ladies' man [ladies' mæn] |
fiddle with ['fɪdl wɪð] |
We had a wonderful time. [wi: hæd ə 'wʌndərful taɪm] |
amuse [ə'mju:z] |
amuse [ə'mju:z] |
pick at [pɪk æt] |
toy with sth [tɔɪ wɪð 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
drawing- room ['drɔ:ɪŋ ru:m] |
dally with ['dælɪ wɪð] |
twiddle with ['twɪdl wɪð] |
enjoy , oneself [e'nʤɔɪ wʌn'sɛlf] |
toy with sb/sth [tɔɪ wɪð 'sʌmbədɪ 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
playing happily on the shore ['pleɪɪŋ 'hæpɪlɪ ɔn ðə ʃɔ:(r)] |
play toys [pleɪ tɔɪz] |
I'm playing. [I'm 'pleɪɪŋ] |
play with my friends [pleɪ wɪð maɪ frɛndz] |
play with [pleɪ wɪð] |
play hide-and-seek [pleɪ haɪd ænd si:k] |
fiddle with sth ['fɪdl wɪð 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
enjoy (oneself) [e'nʤɔɪ wʌn'sɛlf] |
We play in the park [wi: pleɪ ɪn ðə pɑ:k] |
have a blast [hæv ə blɑ:st] |
playing small object (like pen) ['pleɪɪŋ smɔ:l 'ɔbʤɪkt laɪk pɛn] |
have fun [hæv fʌn] |
play with the kids [pleɪ wɪð ðə kɪdz] |
i play at tree o`clock [aɪ pleɪ æt tri: ək'lɔk] |
to play with a friend [tu pleɪ wɪð ə frɛnd] |
to play with a train set [tu pleɪ wɪð ə treɪn sɛt] |
playing Frisbee ['pleɪɪŋ 'frɪsbɪ] |