Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occurrence [ə'kʌrəns] |
occurance | |
occure | |
occur to [ə'kə: tu] |
occurence | |
occurring [ə'kə:ɪŋ] |
occur in/among [ə'kə: ɪn ə'mʌŋ] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occurred [ə'kə:d] |
occurrance | |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occurs [ə'kə:z] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occurs [ə'kə:z] |
occurs [ə'kə:z] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occurrence [ə'kʌrəns] |
occurrence [ə'kʌrəns] |
occur to sth [ə'kə: tu 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
occur to sb [ə'kə: tu 'sʌmbədɪ] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occurs, arises, appears [ə'kə:z ə'raɪzɪz ə'pɪə(r)z] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occur / happen [ə'kə: 'hæpən] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occur/happen [ə'kə: 'hæpən] |
occurring [ə'kə:ɪŋ] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occur to somebody [ə'kə: tu 'sʌmbədɪ] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
OCCURRENCE [ə'kʌrəns] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occurrences [ə'kə:ənsɪz] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occurrence [ə'kʌrəns] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occur to [ə'kə: tu] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
occur [ə'kə:] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
come up [kʌm ʌp] |