Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
I've come for my jacket | |
I've come to collect my car | |
I came home [aɪ keɪm həum] |
I've come to pick up [aɪv kʌm tu pɪk ʌp] |
I have come to get my weights [aɪ hæv kʌm tu gɛt maɪ weɪts] |
I'm here to take a test. [aɪm hɪr tu teɪk ə tɛst] |
I'm here to receive my gift. [aɪm hɪr tu rɪ'si:v maɪ gɪft] |
I'm here to watch a movie. [aɪm hɪr tu wɔʧ ə 'mu:vɪ] |
I'm here to start the job. [aɪm hɪr tu stɑ:t ðə ʤɔb] |
I've come regarding my holiday [I’ve kʌm rɪ'gɑ:dɪŋ maɪ 'hɔlədeɪ] |
I've come for the speakers [aɪv kʌm fɔ:(r) ðə 'spi:kərz] |
I've come to get myself gloves [aɪv kʌm tu gɛt maɪ'sɛlf glʌvz] |