Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
ancient ['eɪnʃənt] |
antiquated ['æntɪkweɪtɪd] |
antiquity [æn'tɪkwɪtɪ] |
oldfashioned [əul'dfæʃənd] |
ancient Rome ['eɪnʧənt rəum] |
old age [əuld eɪʤ] |
old fashioned [əuld 'fæʃənd] |
ancient city ['eɪnʧənt 'sɪtɪ] |
frumpy ['frʌmpɪ] |
ancient societies | |
old-fashioned [əuld 'fæʃənd] |
ancient cultures ['eɪnʧənt 'kʌlʧərz] |
old town [əuld taun] |
ancient ruins | |
ancient ['eɪnʧənt] |
ancient ['eɪnʃənt] |
ancient wars | |
stuffy ['stʌfɪ] |
ancient societes | |
ancient world ['eɪnʧənt wə:ld] |
old fashioned [əuld 'fæʃənd] |
ox-bow | |
ancient statue | |
fuddy-duddy | |
Historia dzieli się na: | |
oldfashioned hair | |
ancient buildings ['eɪnʧənt 'bɪldɪŋz] |
ancient god ['eɪnʧənt gɔd] |
outdated ['autdeɪtɪd] |
quaint | |
out of date [aut ɔv deɪt] |
ancient ['eɪnʧənt] |
old fashioners [əuld fashioners] |
old- fashioned [əuld 'fæʃənd] |
old-fashioned [əuld 'fæʃənd] |
old city [əuld 'sɪtɪ] |
old-fashioned [əuld 'fæʃənd] |
senility [sɪ'nɪlɪtɪ] |
old print [əuld prɪnt] |
square [skwɛə(r)] |
an ancient Mayan temple [ən 'eɪnʧənt 'maɪən 'tɛmpl] |
an ancient breed [ən 'eɪnʧənt bri:d] |
ancient ['eɪnʧənt] |
The Old Town was heavily bombed during the war. [ðə əuld taun wɔz 'hɛvɪlɪ bɔmd 'durɪŋ ðə wɔ:(r)] |
old - fashioned [əuld 'fæʃənd] |
ancient tombs ['eɪnʧənt tju:mz] |
vintage ['vɪntɪʤ] |
vintage ['vɪntɪʤ] |
ancient ['eɪnʧənt] |
ancient emperor ['eɪnʧənt 'ɛmpərə(r)] |
old-fashioned [əuld 'fæʃənd] |
old-fashioned looking [əuld 'fæʃənd 'lukɪŋ] |
an old fashioned dress [ən əuld 'fæʃənd drɛs] |
anent [anent] |
ancient coin ['eɪnʧənt kɔɪn] |
old-fashioned shop [əuld 'fæʃənd ʃɔp] |
ancient wall ['eɪnʧənt wɔ:l] |
outdated ['autdeɪtɪd] |
ancient Romans ['eɪnʧənt 'rəumənz] |
time-pressed [taɪm prɛst] |
antiquated ['æntɪkweɪtɪd] |
old-fashioned [əuld 'fæʃənd] |
the Old Town [ðə əuld taun] |
fuddy-duddy ['fʌdɪ 'dʌdɪ] |
ancient ritual ['eɪnʧənt 'rɪʧuəl] |
dark ages [dɑ:k 'eɪʤəz] |
ancient history ['eɪnʧənt 'hɪstərɪ] |
an ancient Chinese proverb [ən 'eɪnʧənt ʧaɪ'ni:z 'prɔvərb] |
stonehange [stonehange] |