Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
war [wɔ:(r)] |
warble [warble] |
ward [wɔ:d] |
warden ['wɔ:dən] |
warder ['wɔ:də(r)] |
wardrobe ['wɔ:drəub] |
wardship [wardship] |
ware [wɛə(r)] |
warehouse ['wɛrhaus] |
wares [wɛrz] |
warfare ['wɔ:fɛr] |
warlike ['wɔ:laɪk] |
warm [wɔ:m] |
warmonger ['wɔ:mɑŋgə(r)] |
warmth [wɔ:mθ] |
warn sb not to do sth [wɔ:n] |
warning ['wɔ:nɪŋ] |
warp [wɔ:p] |
warrant ['wɔ:ənt] |
warrior ['wɔrɪə(r)] |
warship ['wɔ:ʃɪp] |
wart [wɔ:t] |
wary ['wɛrɪ] |
Warsaw ['wɔ:sɔ:] |
warning lights ['wɔ:nɪŋ laɪts] |
warmly ['wɔ:mlɪ] |
warm up [wɔ:m ʌp] |
warranty ['wɔ:əntɪ] |
warm [wɔ:m] |
warm climate [wɔ:m 'klaɪmɪt] |
warm personality [wɔ:m pəsɪ'nælɪtɪ] |
warning sign ['wɔ:nɪŋ saɪn] |
warm-up [wɔ:m ʌp] |
warm invitation | |
warez | |
ward of court [wɔ:d ɔv kɔ:t] |
warned us not to walk around | |
warning ['wɔ:nɪŋ] |
warm-hearted | |
ward off [wɔ:d ɔf] |
warn [wɔ:n] |
warm sth up | |
warhead ['wɔ:hɛd] |
warm colours | |
warm - hearted | |
warn sb against/about [wɔ:n 'sʌmbədɪ ə'gɛnst ə'baut] |
warn [wɔ:n] |
wardrobe ['wɔ:drəub] |
wark as | |
War of Independence | |
warm [wɔ:m] |
warmest ['wɔ:mɪst] |
warn sb against doing sth [wɔ:n 'sʌmbədɪ ə'gɛnst 'dju:ɪŋ 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
wartime ['wɔ:taɪm] |
warm-hearted [wɔ:m 'hɑ:təd] |
warm clothes | |
warm shoes [wɔ:m ʃu:z] |
warped [wɔ:pt] |
war zone | |
warry | |
warehouse ['wɛrhaus] |
war film [wɔ:(r) fɪlm] |
warmer ['wɔ:mə(r)] |
wardrobe ['wɔ:drəub] |
warm up [wɔ:m ʌp] |
warm [wɔ:m] |
warm [wɔ:m] |
warried | |
ward round [wɔ:d raund] |
warily ['wɛrəlɪ] |
warn sb about sb/sth | |
warranties ['wɔ:əntɪz] |
warm / cosy family | |
warrington- ['wɔ:ɪŋtn] |
wartford- | |
wardrobe ['wɔ:drəub] |
war drama [wɔ:(r) 'drɑ:mə] |
warn of [wɔ:n ɔv] |
warm-cool | |
warfare ['wɔ:fɛr] |
wargames | |
ward [wɔ:d] |
ward off [wɔ:d ɔf] |
warning triangle ['wɔ:nɪŋ 'traɪæŋgl] |
wardrobe/closet | |
war memorial [wɔ:(r) mə'mɔ:ɪəl] |
warm-up .... | |
warriors | |
warm-blooded [wɔ:m 'blʌdɪd] |
Warrant of commitment | |
Warning: keep out of children. ['wɔ:nɪŋ ki:p aut ɔv 'ʧɪldrən] |
warped wood frames | |
warped [wɔ:pt] |
warn of sth [wɔ:n ɔv 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
warmest greetings from | |
warned [wɔ:nd] |
warmth [wɔ:mθ] |
warren | |
warp [wɔ:p] |
warder |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
brew [bru:] |
checkers ['ʧɛkəz] |
coating ['kəutɪŋ] |
condition [kən'dɪʃən] |
conditional [kən'dɪʃənl] |
labial [labial] |
layer ['leɪə(r)] |
lip [lɪp] |
loom [lu:m] |
lunatic ['lu:nətɪk] |
pigtail [pigtail] |
plait [plait] |
sentry ['sɛntrɪ] |
snarl [snɑ:l] |
torrential [tɔ:'rɛnʧəl] |
value ['vælju:] |
vegetables ['vɛʤtəblz] |
workhouse [workhouse] |
workshop ['wə:kʃɑp] |
worth [wə:θ] |
growl [graul] |
Warsaw ['wɔ:sɔ:] |
the ozone layer [ðə 'əuzəun 'leɪə(r)] |
worth [wə:θ] |
terms [tə:mz] |
conditions [kən'dɪʃənz] |
braid / plait [breɪd] |
prerequisite [prɪ'rɛkwɪzɪt] |
greengrocer`s [greengrocer's] |
working conditions ['wə:kɪŋ kən'dɪʃənz] |
greengrocers [greengrocers] |
snart | |
lips [lɪps] |
vegetable ['vɛʤtəbl] |
worth watching | |
loony ['lju:nɪ] |
its worth | |
payment terms ['peɪmənt tə:mz] |
incoterm | |
freak out [fri:k aut] |
worthwhile ['wə:θwaɪl] |
weather conditions ['wɛðə(r) kən'dɪʃənz] |
estimated value ['ɛstəmeɪtəd 'vælju:] |
pre-conditions | |
draughts [dræfts] |
merit ['mɛrɪt] |
living conditions ['lɪvɪŋ kən'dɪʃənz] |
ozone layer ['əuzəun 'leɪə(r)] |
worth while [wə:θ waɪl] |
poor accommodation [puə(r) əkɔmə'deɪʃən] |
pigtails [pigtails] |
probation [prə'beɪʃən] |
worth writing about [wə:θ 'raɪtɪŋ ə'baut] |
it is worth paying | |
artistic merit [ɑ:'tɪstɪk 'mɛrɪt] |
valued ['væljud] |
valuable ['væljuəbl] |
medical conditions | |
artisctic merit | |
moral values | |
hair in plaits | |
shareholder value ['ʃɛrhəuldə(r) 'vælju:] |
plait [plait] |
book value [buk 'vælju:] |
the valency of the element | |
good value [gud 'vælju:] |
terms of reference [tə:mz ɔv 'rɛfərəns] |
negotiable conditions/terms | |
technical specifications ['tɛknɪkl spɛsɪfə'keɪʃənz] |
classes (educated) | |
terms and conditions | |
value of the currency ['vælju: ɔv ðə 'kʌrnsɪ] |
worth considering [wə:θ kən'sɪdərɪŋ] |
net worth [nɛt wə:θ] |
worth [wə:θ] |
layer of paint ['leɪə(r) ɔv peɪnt] |
garage [gærɑ:ʒ] |
cornrowes | |
strata ['strætə] |
it's worth seeing [ɪts wə:θ 'si:ɪŋ] |
sentinel ['sɛntənl] |
to go crazy [tu gəu 'kreɪzɪ] |
crazy woman ['kreɪzɪ 'wumən] |
snap [snæp] |
value ['vælju:] |
snarl [snɑ:l] |
worth buing | |
worthy of | |
vegetables for vegetarians ['vɛʤtəblz fɔ:(r) vɛʤə'tɛrɪənz] |
worth to recommend | |
facilities [fə'sɪlɪtɪz] |
conditions of employment [kən'dɪʃənz ɔv em'plɔɪmənt] |
to be worth doing sth [tu bi: wə:θ 'dju:ɪŋ 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
it is worth to try [ɪt ɪz wə:θ tu traɪ] |
it is worth noting [ɪt ɪz wə:θ 'nəutɪŋ] |
values ['væljuz] |
worth reading [wə:θ 'rɛdɪŋ] |
greens [gri:nz] |
valence ['veɪləns] |
travelling conditions ['trævəlɪŋ kən'dɪʃənz] |