Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
fray [freɪ] |
custody battle ['kʌstədɪ 'bætl] |
combat ['kɔmbæt] |
to fight crime | |
fight [faɪt] |
fight against [faɪt ə'gɛnst] |
bullfight ['bulfaɪt] |
cockflight | |
bout [baut] |
struggle ['strʌgl] |
flight for audience figures | |
hand fighting | |
struggle between | |
struggle for | |
unarmed combat | |
the suffragettes' struggle [ðə suffragettes' 'strʌgl] |
rough and tumble [rʌf ænd 'tʌmbl] |
jousting ['ʤaustɪŋ] |
combat ['kɔmbæt] |
fighting global warming ['faɪtɪŋ 'gləubl 'wɔ:mɪŋ] |
shadow box ['ʃædəu bɔks] |
acoustic warfare [ə'ku:stɪk 'wɔ:fɛr] |
the battle of the sexes [ðə 'bætl ɔv ðə 'sɛksɪz] |
FIBUA /Fighting In Build Up Area/ [FIBUA 'faɪtɪŋ ɪn bɪld ʌp 'ɛərɪə] |
power struggle ['pauə(r) 'strʌgl] |
joust [ʤaust] |
bout of illness [baut ɔv 'ɪlnɪs] |
wrangling ['ræŋgəlɪŋ] |
struggle ['strʌgl] |
close-quarters combat [kləus 'kwɔ:tərz 'kɔmbæt] |
urban warfare ['ə:bən 'wɔ:fɛr] |
combat ['kɔmbæt] |
fight [faɪt] |
combat climate changes ['kɔmbæt 'klaɪmɪt 'ʧeɪnʤəz] |
bout [baut] |
warfare ['wɔ:fɛr] |
hand-to-hand-combat [hænd tu hænd 'kɔmbæt] |
struggle against contamination ['strʌgl ə'gɛnst kəntæmɪ'neɪʃən] |
struggle ['strʌgl] |