Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
drink to | |
drink up [drɪŋk ʌp] |
take a sip (of sth) [teɪk ə sɪp ɔv 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
have a cup of tea [hæv ə kʌp ɔv ti:] |
drink off | |
have a glass of water [hæv ə glɑ:s ɔv 'wɔ:tə(r)] |
have a cup of coffee [hæv ə kʌp ɔv 'kɔfɪ] |
grab a coffee [græb ə 'kɔfɪ] |
chug [ʧʌg] |
to have a cup of tea [tu hæv ə kʌp ɔv ti:] |
face the music [feɪs ðə 'mju:zɪk] |
knock back sth [nɔk bæk 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
down [daun] |
belting down ['bɛltɪŋ daun] |
outdrink [outdrink] |