Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
classy ['klɑ:sɪ] |
high blood pressure [haɪ blʌd 'prɛʃə(r)] |
soaring ['sɔ:ɪŋ] |
tall [tɔ:l] |
good comunication skills | |
high risk of depression | |
high blood pressure [haɪ blʌd 'prɛʃə(r)] |
wave high | |
high-heels [haɪ hi:lz] |
high pressure [haɪ 'prɛʃə(r)] |
a tall [ə tɔ:l] |
a tall man | |
high note [haɪ nəut] |
as high as [æz haɪ æz] |
tall [tɔ:l] |
high [haɪ] |
highheels | |
high forehead [['hɑɪ fɔrɪd]] |
high standard of teaching [haɪ 'stændərd ɔv 'ti:ʧɪŋ] |
high bool pressure | |
your honor [jɔ:(r) 'ɔnə(r)] |
to be high | |
high unemployment [haɪ ʌnɪm'plɔɪmənt] |
high standards of teaching | |
high/low uneployment | |
high-heeled [haɪ hi:ld] |
boots [bu:ts] |
top job [tɔp ʤɔb] |
high ridge | |
high/low blood pressure [haɪ ləu blʌd 'prɛʃə(r)] |
high [haɪ] |
high self-esteem | |
high standart of service | |
tall pole | |
high vat consumption | |
gangling [gangling] |
high/ low loops | |
high chair [haɪ ʧɛə(r)] |
high teaching standards | |
premium | |
top-quality | |
high fees | |
high-ranking officer [haɪ 'ræŋkɪŋ 'ɔ:fɪsə(r)] |
hight/competitive salary/pay/pension | |
high heels [haɪ hi:lz] |
high-pitched [haɪ pɪʧt] |
self-importance [sɛlf ɪm'pɔ:tns] |
more advanced fire engines | |
soaring temperatures ['sɔ:ɪŋ 'tɛmprəʧərz] |
high rise hotel | |
high in fat [haɪ ɪn fæt] |
high earnings [haɪ 'ə:nɪŋz] |
prestige pricing [pres'ti:ʒ 'praɪsɪŋ] |
high-pitched/low pitched (sound) [haɪ pɪʧt ləu pɪʧt saund] |
cross [krɔs] |
premium product ['pri:mɪəm 'prɔdʌkt] |
high- heels [haɪ hi:lz] |
a high block of flats [ə haɪ blɔk ɔv flæts] |
stiff fine [stɪf faɪn] |
high bay [haɪ beɪ] |
tall [tɔ:l] |
high expectation [haɪ ɛkspek'teɪʃən] |
tall modern buildings [tɔ:l 'mɔdən 'bɪldɪŋz] |
high-grade [haɪ greɪd] |
high-frequency [haɪ 'fri:kwənsɪ] |
high higher the highest [haɪ 'haɪə(r) ðə 'haɪɪst] |
tall taller the tallest [tɔ:l 'tɔ:lə(r) ðə 'tɔ:lɪst] |
high fliers [haɪ 'flaɪəz] |
Strapping ['stræpɪŋ] |
High salaries [haɪ 'sælərɪz] |
High bills [haɪ bɪlz] |
high stakes [haɪ steɪks] |
high rate [haɪ reɪt] |
high/low taxes [haɪ ləu 'tæksɪz] |
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner Refugees [UNHCR ju'naɪtəd 'neɪʃənz haɪ kə'mɪʃənə(r) 'rɛfju:ʤɪz] |
high-quality [haɪ 'kwɔlɪtɪ] |
high expectations of me [haɪ ɛkspek'teɪʃənz ɔv mi:] |
high standard [haɪ 'stændərd] |
high profile [haɪ 'prəufaɪl] |
high [haɪ] |
fine [faɪn] |
high-higher-the highest [haɪ 'haɪə(r) ðə 'haɪɪst] |
high elastic modulus [haɪ ɪ'læstɪk modulus] |
high [haɪ] |
knee-high [ni: haɪ] |
high tide, high water [haɪ taɪd haɪ 'wɔ:tə(r)] |
senior official ['si:njə(r) ə'fɪʃl] |
high mountains [haɪ 'mauntənz] |
high high [haɪ haɪ] |
a high ratio of [ə haɪ 'reɪʃɪəu ɔv] |
high risk of default [haɪ rɪsk ɔv dɪ'fɔ:lt] |
senior representative ['si:njə(r) rɛprə'zɛntətɪv] |
exalted [ɪg'zɔ:ltɪd] |
highly experience ['haɪlɪ ɪk'spɪərɪəns] |
stack pot [stæk pɔt] |
hight-pitched [haɪt pɪʧt] |
a tall boy [ə tɔ:l bɔɪ] |
high earning potential [haɪ 'ə:nɪŋ pə'tɛnʃl] |
high-risk [haɪ rɪsk] |
tall [tɔ:l] |