Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
whether you're a posh toff or a bit of a chav | |
He's graduating from college today. | |
up market [ʌp 'mɑ:kɪt] |
graduation form high school [grædju'eɪʃən fɔ:m haɪ sku:l] |
graduation from high school [grædju'eɪʃən frɔm haɪ sku:l] |
You don't get superior quality at a low price [ju: don't gɛt su'pɪərɪə(r) 'kwɔlɪtɪ æt ə ləu praɪs] |
at a higher price [æt ə 'haɪə(r) praɪs] |
The problem is that i married into a rather posh family. [ðə 'prɔbləm ɪz ðæt aɪ 'mærɪd 'ɪntu ə 'ræðə(r) pɔʃ 'fæməlɪ] |
the article is about higher education in London [ðə 'ɑ:təkl ɪz ə'baut 'haɪə(r) ɛʤə'keɪʃən ɪn 'lʌndən] |
deputy ['dɛpjɪtɪ] |
upgrade [ʌp'greɪd] |