Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
drop in on [drɔp ɪn ɔn] |
visit tourist attractions ['vɪzɪt 'tuərɪst ət'rækʃənz] |
go sightseeing [gəu 'saɪtsi:ɪŋ] |
sightsee ['saɪtsi:] |
do sightseeing [du: 'saɪtsi:ɪŋ] |
sighseeing | |
view [vju:] |
to go sightseeing [tu gəu 'saɪtsi:ɪŋ] |
to see monuments | |
tour [tuə(r)] |
explore [ɪks'plɔ:(r)] |
sighteeing | |
see the sights [si: ðə saɪts] |
visit ['vɪzɪt] |
go touring [gəu 'turɪŋ] |
see the sights [si: ðə saɪts] |
to sightsee | |
to tour around a country | |
go see the sights | |
do/go sightseeing | |
explore [ɪks'plɔ:(r)] |
to do some sightseeing | |
see/admire the sights [si: æd'maɪə(r) ðə saɪts] |
tour [tuə(r)] |
do the sights [du: ðə saɪts] |
visit different countries ['vɪzɪt 'dɪfərənt 'kʌntrɪz] |
go sightseeing/see the sights [gəu 'saɪtsi:ɪŋ si: ðə saɪts] |
do / go sightseeing [du: gəu 'saɪtsi:ɪŋ] |
explore the sights [ɪks'plɔ:(r) ðə saɪts] |
visit ['vɪzɪt] |
explore an area / a city /a town [ɪks'plɔ:(r) ən 'ɛərɪə] |
explore an area [ɪks'plɔ:(r) ən 'ɛərɪə] |
explore a city [ɪks'plɔ:(r) ə 'sɪtɪ] |
explore a town [ɪks'plɔ:(r) ə taun] |
sight see [saɪt] |
to do the sightseeing [tu du: ðə 'saɪtsi:ɪŋ] |
explore a cave [ɪks'plɔ:(r) ə keɪv] |
explore the world [ɪks'plɔ:(r) ðə wə:ld] |
Explore around [ɪks'plɔ:(r) ər'aund] |
explore different places [ɪks'plɔ:(r) 'dɪfərənt 'pleɪsɪz] |