Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
places in the city ['pleɪsɪz ɪn ðə 'sɪtɪ] |
places ['pleɪsɪz] |
places to eat ['pleɪsɪz tu i:t] |
places of work ['pleɪsɪz ɔv wə:k] |
places in town ['pleɪsɪz ɪn taun] |
places of natural beauty ['pleɪsɪz ɔv 'næʧərəl 'bju:tɪ] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
Could you recommend some interesting places to see | |
WANDERLUST ['wɔndərlst] |
derelict ['dɛrlɪkt] |
getting around | |
wander off the beaten track ['wɔndə(r) ɔf ðə 'bi:tn træk] |
to clean up | |
sanitation [sænə'teɪʃən] |
litter lout ['lɪtə(r) lout] |
sales rep [seɪlz rɛp] |
are you willing to relocate or travel? [ɑ:(r) ju: 'wɪlɪŋ tu rɪ'ləukeɪt ɔ:(r) 'trævl] |