Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
examine [ɪg'zæmɪn] |
explore [ɪks'plɔ:(r)] |
reconnoitre [reconnoitre] |
researcher ['ri:sərʧə(r)] |
resercher | |
examine a patient [ɪg'zæmɪn ə 'peɪʃnt] |
vet [vɛt] |
explore [ɪks'plɔ:(r)] |
explore something | |
investigate the case [ɪn'vɛstɪgeɪt ðə keɪs] |
surveyor [sə'veɪə(r)] |
examined the patient [ɪg'zæmənd ðə 'peɪʃnt] |
probed [prəubd] |
look into [luk 'ɪntu] |
examine the evidence | |
investigate [ɪn'vɛstɪgeɪt] |
study ['stʌdɪ] |
look into [luk 'ɪntu] |
examine [ɪg'zæmɪn] |
convass | |
explore [ɪks'plɔ:(r)] |
research [rɪ'sə:ʧ] |
enquire into a matter [ɪn'kwaɪə(r) 'ɪntu ə 'mætə(r)] |
to test [tu tɛst] |
explore [ɪks'plɔ:(r)] |
explore [ɪks'plɔ:(r)] |
research [rɪ'sə:ʧ] |
explore, look around | |
survey | |
researchers ['ri:sərʧərz] |
explore an idea [ɪks'plɔ:(r) ən aɪ'dɪə] |
explore the ocean [ɪks'plɔ:(r) ðə 'əuʃən] |
explore space [ɪks'plɔ:(r) speɪs] |
investigate case history [ɪn'vɛstɪgeɪt keɪs 'hɪstərɪ] |
examine [ɪg'zæmɪn] |
examine sth under the microscope [ɪg'zæmɪn 'sʌmθɪŋ 'ʌndə(r) ðə 'maɪkrəskəup] |
to screen sth for sth [tu skri:n 'sʌmθɪŋ fɔ:(r) 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
explore [ɪks'plɔ:(r)] |
inspect [ɪn'spɛkt] |
study the universe ['stʌdɪ ðə 'ju:nɪvə:s] |
explore phenomenon [ɪks'plɔ:(r) fə'nɔmənɑn] |
explorer [ɪks'plɔ:rə(r)] |
investigate [ɪn'vɛstɪgeɪt] |
survey [sər'veɪ] |
investigate [ɪn'vɛstɪgeɪt] |
look into [luk 'ɪntu] |
researcher ['ri:sərʧə(r)] |
resource investigator [ri'sɔ:s ɪn'vɛstəgeɪtə(r)] |
to screen sb [tu skri:n 'sʌmbədɪ] |
explorer [ɪks'plɔ:rə(r)] |
to scrutinize [tu 'skru:tənaɪz] |
to research [tu rɪ'sə:ʧ] |
to examine [tu ɪg'zæmɪn] |
plumb new depths [plʌm nju: dɛpθs] |
look into something [luk 'ɪntu 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
examine insects under the microscope [ɪg'zæmɪn 'ɪnsɛkts 'ʌndə(r) ðə 'maɪkrəskəup] |
explore [ɪks'plɔ:(r)] |
examine [ɪg'zæmɪn] |
research [rɪ'sə:ʧ] |
explore/exploration [ɪks'plɔ:(r) ɛksplər'eɪʃən] |
expand [ɪk'spænd] |
test [tɛst] |
marine scientist [mər'i:n 'saɪəntɪst] |
explore options [ɪks'plɔ:(r) 'ɔpʃənz] |
screen [skri:n] |
to examine [tu ɪg'zæmɪn] |
research [rɪ'sə:ʧ] |
examined [ɪg'zæmənd] |
study ['stʌdɪ] |