Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
stone [stəun] |
stone deaf [stəun dɛf] |
stone walls [stəun wɔ:lz] |
stones throw | |
stoned [stəund] |
stone deaf [stəun dɛf] |
Stone Age idol | |
stone cist | |
stone battle axe | |
stone marker | |
stoneware ['stəunwɛr] |
stone dead | |
stone age [stəun eɪʤ] |
Stonehenge ['stəunhɛnʤ] |
stones [stəunz] |
stone-cutter | |
stone [stəun] |
stone falling | |
stone sculptures | |
stonework [stonework] |
stone carving | |
stone to death | |
stone [stəun] |
stonework [stonework] |
stone surface | |
stone table [stəun 'teɪbl] |
stones scattered along the walls [stəunz 'skætərd ə'lɔŋ ðə wɔ:lz] |
stone cold [stəun kəuld] |
stones [stəunz] |
stone cold [stəun kəuld] |
stone quarry [stəun 'kwɔ:ɪ] |
stoned, tanked-up [stəund tæŋkt ʌp] |
stone slabs [stəun slæbz] |
stone's trow away from [stone's trəu ə'weɪ frɔm] |
stone [stəun] |
stone [stəun] |
stone [stəun] |
stone [stəun] |
stoner ['stəunə(r)] |
stone must be prepared before printing [stəun mʌst bi: prɪ'pɛrd bɪ'fɔ:(r) 'prɪntɪŋ] |
stone [stəun] |
stone floor [stəun flɔ:(r)] |
stoned fruit [stəund fru:t] |
stone building [stəun 'bɪldɪŋ] |
stonehange [stonehange] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
Stonehenge ['stəunhɛnʤ] |