Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
visual ['vɪzjuəl] |
visualise ['vizjuəlaiz] |
VISUAL ['vɪzjuəl] |
visualisation [visualisation] |
visual-spatial | |
visual aid ['vɪzjuəl eɪd] |
visualize ['vɪʒwəlaɪz] |
visual learner ['vɪzjuəl 'lə:nə(r)] |
visual halluciantions | |
visual aids ['vɪzjuəl eɪdz] |
visualizationtion | |
visual comunication | |
visual arts ['vɪzjuəl ɑ:ts] |
visually impaired person ['vɪʒwəlɪ ɪm'pɛrd 'pə:sɪn] |
visual materials ['vɪzjuəl mə'tɪrɪəlz] |
visual disorders ['vɪzjuəl dɪ'sɔ:dərz] |
visually impaired ['vɪʒwəlɪ ɪm'pɛrd] |
visual display ['vɪzjuəl dɪs'pleɪ] |
visually impaired ['vɪʒwəlɪ ɪm'pɛrd] |
visual call sign ['vɪzjuəl kɔ:l saɪn] |
visual arts ['vɪzjuəl ɑ:ts] |
visual images of events have a greater impact on people than the printed word ['vɪzjuəl 'ɪməʤəz ɔv ɪ'vɛnts hæv ə 'greɪtə(r) ɪm'pækt ɔn 'pi:pl ðæn ðə 'prɪntəd wə:d] |
visual input ['vɪzjuəl 'ɪnput] |
visual input ['vɪzjuəl 'ɪnput] |
visualization and supervision system [vɪʒwələ'zeɪʃən ænd su:pər'vɪʒən 'sɪstəm] |
visual contact ['vɪzjuəl 'kɔntækt] |
visual memory ['vɪzjuəl 'mɛmərɪ] |
visualise ['vizjuəlaiz] |
visualisation of industrial processes (SCAD, HMS) [visualisation ɔv ɪn'dʌstrɪəl 'prɔsesɪz skæd HMS] |
visuals ['vɪʒwəlz] |
visual aid ['vɪzjuəl eɪd] |
visual thinker ['vɪzjuəl 'θɪŋkə(r)] |