Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
fall out [fɔ:l aut] |
grazing of sheep | |
go overboard [gəu 'əuvəbɔ:rd] |
fall out [fɔ:l aut] |
get through the assessment | |
fall out of [fɔ:l aut ɔv] |
crop up [krɔp ʌp] |
handsome! ['hænsəm] |
Slip sb mind [slɪp 'sʌmbədɪ maɪnd] |
come up [kʌm ʌp] |
grazing ['greɪzɪŋ] |
polish shoes ['pɔlɪʃ ʃu:z] |
to slip my mind [tu slɪp maɪ maɪnd] |
fall out [fɔ:l aut] |
Rotational grazing system [rə'teɪʃənl 'greɪzɪŋ 'sɪstəm] |
put the livestock out to pasture [put ðə 'laɪvstɑk aut tu 'pæsʧə(r)] |