Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
turn up [tə:n ʌp] |
boost [bju:st] |
increased [ɪn'kri:st] |
increase [ɪn'kri:s] |
compound ['kɔmpaund] |
escalate ['ɛskəleɪt] |
to expand/ to extend | |
to expand [tu ɪk'spænd] |
to extend [tu ɪk'stɛnd] |
maximising room occupancy | |
increase [ɪn'kri:s] |
add to [æd tu] |
increase pollution | |
to boost [tu bju:st] |
increase the choice of goods and services | |
increase competitiveness | |
to increase cost- effectiveness [tu ɪn'kri:s kɔst ɪ'fɛktɪvnəs] |
boosting future earnings ['bju:stɪŋ 'fju:ʧə(r) 'ə:nɪŋz] |
build up [bɪld ʌp] |
go up [gəu ʌp] |
turn up [tə:n ʌp] |
boost [bju:st] |
boost [bju:st] |
enhance [ɪn'hɑ:ns] |
raise [reɪz] |
expand [ɪk'spænd] |
steigern [steigern] |
rev [rɛv] |
boost [bju:st] |
boost [bju:st] |
boost [bju:st] |
to increase current sales [tu ɪn'kri:s 'kə:ənt seɪlz] |
boost sales [bju:st seɪlz] |
bump sth up [bʌmp 'sʌmθɪŋ ʌp] |
boosts motivation [bju:sts məutə'veɪʃən] |
enhance [ɪn'hɑ:ns] |
increase / decrease [ɪn'kri:s dɪ:'kri:s] |
increase [ɪn'kri:s] |
to increase [tu ɪn'kri:s] |
turn up [tə:n ʌp] |
rev up [rɛv ʌp] |
boost [bju:st] |
enhance [ɪn'hɑ:ns] |
improve your employability [ɪm'pru:v jɔ:(r) employability] |
enhance [ɪn'hɑ:ns] |
enhance security [ɪn'hɑ:ns sɪ'kjuərɪtɪ] |
raise awareness [reɪz ə'wɛənɪs] |
boost [bju:st] |
to rev up [tu rɛv ʌp] |
increase [ɪn'kri:s] |
increase productivity [ɪn'kri:s prəudək'tɪvɪtɪ] |
incrise [incrise] |
Augment - (v.) To make something greater by adding to it; to increase. [ɔ:g'mɛnt vi: tu meɪk 'sʌmθɪŋ 'greɪtə(r) baɪ 'ædɪŋ tu ɪt tu ɪn'kri:s] |