Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
fetch [fɛʧ] |
fetter ['fɛtə(r)] |
fetters ['fɛtəz] |
fet | |
fetch the doctor | |
fetch [fɛʧ] |
fetch and carry | |
fetch the doctor [fɛʧ ðə 'dɔktə(r)] |
fetch [fɛʧ] |
fetch [fɛʧ] |
fetus ['fi:təs] |
fetching ['fɛʧɪŋ] |
fetch [fɛʧ] |
fetch [fɛʧ] |
Fetch the doctor at once [fɛʧ ðə 'dɔktə(r) æt wʌns] |
fetch [fɛʧ] |
fetch [fɛʧ] |
fetch the price | |
fetal growth ['fi:tl grəuθ] |
fetal number ['fi:tl 'nʌmbə(r)] |
fetal tissue biopsy ['fi:tl 'tɪsju: 'baɪɑpsɪ] |
fetal blood transfusion ['fi:tl blʌd træn'sfju:ʒən] |
fetal sexing ['fi:tl sexing] |
fetal development ['fi:tl dɪ'vɛləpmənt] |
fetlock [fetlock] |
fetal heart heard ['fi:tl hɑ:t hə:d] |
fetal ['fi:tl] |
fetch [fɛʧ] |
fetching ['fɛʧɪŋ] |
fetid ['fɛtəd] |
fettle [fettle] |
fetching ['fɛʧɪŋ] |
fetch [fɛʧ] |
fetch it [fɛʧ ɪt] |
fetched [fɛʧt] |
fete [feɪt] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
miasma [mɪ'æzmə] |