Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
dowdy ['daudɪ] |
a matter of taste | |
it's a matter of taste | |
It's a matter of taste [ɪts ə 'mætə(r) ɔv teɪst] |
suit every taste [sju:t 'ɛvrɪ teɪst] |
a question of taste [ə 'kwɛsʧən ɔv teɪst] |
win the hearts of [wɪn ðə hɑ:ts ɔv] |
It's just the matter of taste [It's ʤʌst ðə 'mætə(r) ɔv teɪst] |
frumpy ['frʌmpɪ] |
tasteless ['teɪstlɪs] |
be to sb's liking [bi: tu sb\'s 'laɪkɪŋ] |
have no taste in sth [hæv nəu teɪst ɪn 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
I hope it was to your liking [aɪ həup ɪt wɔz tu jɔ:(r) 'laɪkɪŋ] |