Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
on the rise [ɔn ðə raɪz] |
box-office hit | |
to gain ground [tu geɪn graund] |
London Eye ['lʌndən aɪ] |
popular with people | |
popular with ['pɔpjulə(r) wɪð] |
enjoy great popularity [e'nʤɔɪ greɪt pɔpju'lærɪtɪ] |
short shelf life [ʃɔ:t ʃɛlf laɪf] |
acclaimed by the public [ək'leɪmd baɪ ðə 'pʌblɪk] |
the Internet is growing in popularity [ðə 'ɪntərnɛt ɪz 'grəuɪŋ ɪn pɔpju'lærɪtɪ] |
massively popular ['mæsɪvlɪ 'pɔpjulə(r)] |
to gain in popularity [tu geɪn ɪn pɔpju'lærɪtɪ] |
catch on [kæʧ ɔn] |
best-selling [bɛst 'sɛlɪŋ] |