Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
displace [dɪs'pleɪs] |
move [mu:v] |
shift [ʃɪft] |
to shift [tu ʃɪft] |
advance [əd'vɑ:ns] |
move over | |
shift [ʃɪft] |
postpone [pəs'tpəun] |
slide [slaɪd] |
to reallocate [tu rɪ'æləkeɪt] |
to shift more ad dollars to the Net [tu ʃɪft mɔ:(r) æd 'dɔlərz tu ðə nɛt] |
shift [ʃɪft] |
moving beyond ['mu:vɪŋ bɪ'ɔnd] |
shift [ʃɪft] |
edge down [ɛʤ daun] |
push your boundaries [puʃ jɔ:(r) 'baundərɪz] |
push back the frontiers [puʃ bæk ðə frən'tɪrz] |
put off ing [put ɔf ɪŋ] |
shift [ʃɪft] |
move the pointer [mu:v ðə 'pɔɪntə(r)] |
slide [slaɪd] |
push the boundaries of science [puʃ ðə 'baundərɪz ɔv 'saɪəns] |