Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
ramshackle ['ræmʃækl] |
old people's home [əuld 'pi:pəlz həum] |
his back was bent with age | |
nursing care home | |
retirement home [rɪ'taɪəmənt həum] |
sth is falling to pieces ['sʌmθɪŋ ɪz 'fɔ:lɪŋ tu 'pi:sɪz] |
dodder [dodder] |
nursing home ['nə:sɪŋ həum] |
Aches and Pains- mild pains that come and go, esp. from physical work or old age [eɪks ænd peɪnz maɪld peɪnz ðæt kʌm ænd gəu esp frɔm 'fɪzɪkl wə:k ɔ:(r) əuld eɪʤ] |