Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
millennium [mə'lɛnɪəm] |
thousand ['θauzənd] |
thousandth ['θauzəntθ] |
thousands of plates ['θauzəndz ɔv pleɪts] |
A thousand pounds is a lot of money | |
thousand of ['θauzənd ɔv] |
thousands of limousines | |
a millennium [ə mə'lɛnɪəm] |
one thousand [wʌn 'θauzənd] |
grand [grænd] |
millennia [mə'lɛnɪə] |
thousands of people ['θauzəndz ɔv 'pi:pl] |
the thousandth [ðə 'θauzəndθ] |
Thousands of fans have gathered to welcome her ['θauzəndz ɔv fænz hæv 'gæðərd tu 'wɛlkəm hə:(r)] |
thousands ['θauzəndz] |
a thousand [ə 'θauzənd] |
nineteen hundred ['naɪn'ti:n 'hʌndrəd] |
nineteen hundred and one ['naɪn'ti:n 'hʌndrəd ænd wʌn] |
nineteen ten ['naɪn'ti:n tɛn] |
A thousand pounds. [ə 'θauzənd paundz] |