Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
censorship ['sɛnsəʃɪp] |
census ['sɛnsəs] |
cent [sɛnt] |
centenary [sɛn'ti:nɛrɪ] |
center ['sɛntə(r)] |
centigrade ['sɛntɪgreɪd] |
centimetre [sɛntɪmi:tə(r)] |
central ['sɛntrəl] |
central heating ['sɛntrəl 'hi:tɪŋ] |
centre ['sɛntə(r)] |
centrifugal [sen'trɪfjugl] |
centripetal | |
century ['sɛnʧərɪ] |
censure ['sɛnʃə(r)] |
centralheating | |
censored ['sɛnsə(r)d] |
centre line | |
centre (a)round ['sɛntə(r) ər'aund] |
centenarian [sɛntɪ'nɛrɪən] |
centre parting | |
center ['sɛntə(r)] |
centrifuge ['sɛntrɪfju:ʤ] |
centralise [centralise] |
centipede ['sɛntɪpi:d] |
centure | |
centrall-planned building | |
centrally-planned building | |
central tower | |
central labolatory measurments | |
centre of gravity ['sɛntə(r) ɔv 'grævɪtɪ] |
central europe | |
censure ['sɛnʃə(r)] |
centurie | |
centuries ['sɛnʧərɪz] |
central nervous system ['sɛntrəl 'nə:vəs 'sɪstəm] |
centre of the town ['sɛntə(r) ɔv ðə taun] |
centrum primarium /diaphysiale | |
centrum secundarium /epiphysiale | |
censor ['sɛnsə(r)] |
center part / centre parting | |
central processing unit ['sɛntrəl 'prɔsesɪŋ 'ju:nɪt] |
central government | |
centre of town ['sɛntə(r) ɔv taun] |
centre ['sɛntə(r)] |
centre of | |
central to sth ['sɛntrəl tu 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
centimeter ['sɛntəmi:tə(r)] |
centrally heated rooms ['sɛntrəlɪ 'hi:təd ru:mz] |
censor ['sɛnsə(r)] |
cenotaph | |
centra stale | |
centralisation | |
centurie | |
center around ['sɛntə(r) ər'aund] |
centrally-driven ['sɛntrəlɪ 'drɪvn] |
centre ['sɛntə(r)] |
centre ['sɛntə(r)] |
central arterial line ['sɛntrəl ɑ:'tɪərɪəl laɪn] |
centrioles [centrioles] |
Central Bank of Spain ['sɛntrəl bæŋk ɔv speɪn] |
censure ['sɛnʃə(r)] |
censure ['sɛnʃə(r)] |
centrifugal pump [sen'trɪfjugl pʌmp] |
central Poland ['sɛntrəl 'pəulənd] |
central layer of connective tissue covers a bundle of fibres within epimysium ['sɛntrəl 'leɪə(r) ɔv kə'nɛktɪv 'tɪsju: 'kʌvərz ə 'bʌndl ɔv fibres wɪð'ɪn epimysium] |
central ['sɛntrəl] |
central nervous system ['sɛntrəl 'nə:vəs 'sɪstəm] |
central station ['sɛntrəl 'steɪʃən] |
central system ['sɛntrəl 'sɪstəm] |
censor ['sɛnsə(r)] |
centre parting ['sɛntə(r) 'pɑ:tɪŋ] |
centennial [sen'tɛnɪəl] |
century ['sɛnʧərɪ] |
central fissure ['sɛntrəl 'fɪʃə(r)] |
central fusion lock ['sɛntrəl 'fju:ʒən lɔk] |
centralized ['sɛntrəlaɪzd] |
centrally (located) ['sɛntrəlɪ 'ləukeɪtəd] |
center drill ['sɛntə(r) drɪl] |
central lock ['sɛntrəl lɔk] |
center-line ['sɛntə(r) laɪn] |
centre-to-centre ['sɛntə(r) tu 'sɛntə(r)] |
central (Poland) ['sɛntrəl 'pəulənd] |
central services ['sɛntrəl 'sə:vɪsɪz] |
centrifugal force [sen'trɪfjugl fɔ:s] |
centrepiece [centrepiece] |
centipede ['sɛntɪpi:d] |
centrally-located ['sɛntrəlɪ 'ləukeɪtəd] |
centrally located ['sɛntrəlɪ 'ləukeɪtəd] |
central stripping tool ['sɛntrəl 'strɪpɪŋ tu:l] |
centering notches ['sɛntərɪŋ 'nɔʧəz] |
central bank ['sɛntrəl bæŋk] |
centerpiece ['sɛntərpi:s] |
centre party ['sɛntə(r) 'pɑ:tɪ] |
central location ['sɛntrəl lə'keɪʃən] |
centaur ['sɛntɔ:r] |
center ['sɛntə(r)] |
century ['sɛnʧərɪ] |
centre-leftist ['sɛntə(r) 'lɛftɪst] |
centralised [centralised] |
central core ['sɛntrəl kɔ:(r)] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
censorship ['sɛnsəʃɪp] |
cent [sɛnt] |
center ['sɛntə(r)] |
centimetre [sɛntɪmi:tə(r)] |
central ['sɛntrəl] |
central heating ['sɛntrəl 'hi:tɪŋ] |
centre ['sɛntə(r)] |
fare [fɛə(r)] |
headquarters ['hɛdkwɔ:təz] |
price [praɪs] |
pricelist | |
shopping mall ['ʃɔpɪŋ mɔ:l] |
valuable ['væljuəbl] |
waterworks ['wɔ:tərwəks] |
hub [hʌb] |
shopping centre ['ʃɔpɪŋ 'sɛntə(r)] |
shopping center ['ʃɔpɪŋ 'sɛntə(r)] |
centralheating | |
mall [mɔ:l] |
downtown ['dauntaun] |
wholesale prices ['həulseɪl 'praɪsɪz] |
retail prices ['ri:teɪl 'praɪsɪz] |
import prices ['ɪmpɔ:rt 'praɪsɪz] |
the price of petrol [ðə praɪs ɔv 'pɛtrəl] |
property prices | |
unit net price ['ju:nɪt nɛt praɪs] |
rate [reɪt] |
shopping arcade | |
city centre ['sɪtɪ 'sɛntə(r)] |
telephone exchange ['tɛləfəun ɪks'ʧeɪnʤ] |
hundredweight ['hʌndrɪdweɪt] |
C.S.S.D. ( Central Sterile Supply Department ) | |
centralise [centralise] |
sports/leisure facilities | |
call-centre | |
value above ['vælju: ə'bʌv] |
value for | |
town centre [taun 'sɛntə(r)] |
focal point ['fəukl pɔɪnt] |
prized [praɪzd] |
cultural centre ['kʌlʧərəl 'sɛntə(r)] |
share price [ʃɛə(r) praɪs] |
sea life centre | |
centrall-planned building | |
centrally-planned building | |
price guide | |
have self- respect | |
treasure ['trɛʒə(r)] |
precious ['prɛʃəs] |
health centre [hɛlθ 'sɛntə(r)] |
Sportcentre | |
precious ['prɛʃəs] |
job center [ʤɔb 'sɛntə(r)] |
youth centre [ju:θ 'sɛntə(r)] |
the prices have dropped [ðə 'praɪsɪz hæv drɔpt] |
town centre [taun 'sɛntə(r)] |
to value [tu 'vælju:] |
shopping mall ['ʃɔpɪŋ mɔ:l] |
central nervous system ['sɛntrəl 'nə:vəs 'sɪstəm] |
valuable jewellery ['væljubl 'dʒu:əlrɪ] |
commercial centre | |
trade centre | |
centre of the town ['sɛntə(r) ɔv ðə taun] |
settle ['sɛtl] |
sport centre [spɔ:t 'sɛntə(r)] |
heartland ['hɑ:tlænd] |
have self respect | |
a sports centre [ə spɔ:ts 'sɛntə(r)] |
Bangui [Bangui] |
the price of a shovel [ðə praɪs ɔv ə 'ʃʌvəl] |
precious ['prɛʃəs] |
air fare [ɛə(r) fɛə(r)] |
censor ['sɛnsə(r)] |
community centre [kə'mju:nɪtɪ 'sɛntə(r)] |
mall [mɔ:l] |
outlet mall | |
bus/train/air fare | |
garden centre ['gɑ:dn 'sɛntə(r)] |
leisure center ['lɛʒə(r) 'sɛntə(r)] |
sports center [spɔ:ts 'sɛntə(r)] |
Prices of fruit vary throughout the year ['praɪsɪz ɔv fru:t 'vɛərɪ θru:'aut ðə jɪə(r)] |
the centre of the city | |
in-season rates | |
off-season rates | |
rate for a room [reɪt fɔ:(r) ə ru:m] |
centre of town ['sɛntə(r) ɔv taun] |
centre ['sɛntə(r)] |
centre of | |
activity centre [æk'tɪvɪtɪ 'sɛntə(r)] |
recykling centre | |
day-care centres | |
centimeter ['sɛntəmi:tə(r)] |
civic centre | |
outdoor mall | |
price of admission [praɪs ɔv æd'mɪʃən] |
tourist information centre ['tuərɪst ɪnfər'meɪʃən 'sɛntə(r)] |
mall / shopping centre [mɔ:l 'ʃɔpɪŋ 'sɛntə(r)] |
price-list | |
centrally heated rooms ['sɛntrəlɪ 'hi:təd ru:mz] |
cantrally heated rooms |