Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
footstep identyfication | |
walking boots ['wɔ:kɪŋ bu:ts] |
advantages of going to the cinema are [æd'vɑ:ntɪʤɪz ɔv 'gəuɪŋ tu ðə 'sɪnəmə ɑ:(r)] |
snowshoes [snowshoes] |
walking passage ['wɔ:kɪŋ 'pæsɪʤ] |
I can't stand going [kænt stænd 'gəuɪŋ] |
Her boss was so oppressive that she dreaded going to work each day [hə:(r) bɔs wɔz səu əp'rɛsɪv ðæt ʃi: 'drɛdɪd 'gəuɪŋ tu wə:k i:ʧ deɪ] |