Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
puff [pʌf] |
whiff [wɪf] |
every why has a wherefore ['ɛvrɪ waɪ hæz ə wherefore] |
where there's smoke there's fire [wɛə(r) ðɛrz sməuk ðɛrz 'faɪə(r)] |
smoke detector [sməuk dɪ'tɛktə(r)] |
is producing a lot of smoke | |
There's a lot of smoke coming out of the house. | |
She is choking on the smoke! | |
billows of smoke ['bɪləz ɔv sməuk] |
puffs of smoke [pʌfs ɔv sməuk] |
puff of smoke [pʌf ɔv sməuk] |
'Cause there's no smoke without fire ['Cause there's nəu sməuk wɪ'θaut 'faɪə(r)] |
smoke and ash cloud [sməuk ænd æʃ klaud] |
don't breathe in smoke [dəunt bri:ð ɪn sməuk] |
smoke alarm [sməuk ə'lɑ:m] |
pall of smoke [pɔl ɔv sməuk] |
to smell of stale smoke [tu smɛl ɔv steɪl sməuk] |