Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
association [əsəusɪ'eɪʃən] |
combine [kəm'baɪn] |
conjunction [kən'ʤʌŋkʃən] |
connection [kə'nɛkʃən] |
connexion | |
joint [ʤɔɪnt] |
junction ['ʤʌŋkʃən] |
juncture ['ʤʌŋkʧə(r)] |
demerger [dɪ'mə:ʤə(r)] |
link [lɪŋk] |
to put through [tu put θru:] |
a combination of [ə kɔmbɪ'neɪʃən ɔv] |
joined [ʤɔɪnd] |
match the pairs | |
flight connection | |
joiner ['ʤɔɪnə(r)] |
joined [ʤɔɪnd] |
associate with [ə'səusɪɪt wɪð] |
en-suite | |
coupling ['kʌplɪŋ] |
interconnected computer networks [ɪntərkə'nɛktɪd kəm'pju:tə(r) 'nɛtwəks] |
joint [ʤɔɪnt] |
transport links [træn'spɔ:t lɪŋks] |
connect to/with [kə'nɛkt tu wɪð] |
hook-up [huk ʌp] |
en-suite bathroom [ɛn swi:t 'bɑ:θrum] |
joint [ʤɔɪnt] |
combined assets [kəm'baɪnd 'æsɛts] |
to renuite | |
match [mæʧ] |
join areas | |
connetion | |
amalgamation [əmælgə'meɪʃən] |
iuncturae ossium | |
synarthroses | |
iunctura fibrosa | |
iunctura cartilaginea | |
iunctura synovialis /articulation /diarthrosis | |
connect to the Internet [kə'nɛkt tu ðə 'ɪntərnɛt] |
amalgamate | |
connection [kə'nɛkʃən] |
put through [put θru:] |
connections [kə'nɛkʃənz] |
put through [put θru:] |
connected with [kə'nɛktəd wɪð] |
held together | |
hold together | |
connect the two wires | |
direct line [dər'ɛkt laɪn] |
unite [ju:'naɪt] |
merged [mə:ʤd] |
junction ['ʤʌŋkʃən] |
linked, connected [lɪŋkt kə'nɛktəd] |
wireless connection ['waɪrlɪs kə'nɛkʃən] |
integrated ['ɪntɪgreɪtɪd] |
combined arms [kəm'baɪnd ɑ:mz] |
combined with [kəm'baɪnd wɪð] |
get on [gɛt ɔn] |
combination [kɔmbɪ'neɪʃən] |
log on to the Internet [lɔg ɔn tu ðə 'ɪntərnɛt] |
Y-branch [waɪ brɑ:nʧ] |
interconnected [ɪntərkə'nɛktɪd] |
joined to another [ʤɔɪnd tu ə'nʌðə(r)] |
pair up with sb [pɛə(r) ʌp wɪð 'sʌmbədɪ] |
accompanied with [ə'kʌmpənɪd wɪð] |
combine ['kɔmbaɪn] |
edutainment [edutainment] |
meld [mɛld] |
combined [kəm'baɪnd] |
thoroughfares ['θə:əfɛrz] |
junction ['ʤʌŋkʃən] |
put a call through to [put ə kɔ:l θru: tu] |
put sb through [put 'sʌmbədɪ θru:] |
link [lɪŋk] |
neural connections ['nurl kə'nɛkʃənz] |
connect [kə'nɛkt] |
hook up with sb [huk ʌp wɪð 'sʌmbədɪ] |
put through to sb [put θru: tu 'sʌmbədɪ] |
connected with [kə'nɛktəd wɪð] |
swathes of foliage [swathes ɔv 'fəulɪʤ] |
stretch [strɛʧ] |
knuckle joint ['nʌkl ʤɔɪnt] |
muff coupling [mʌf 'kʌplɪŋ] |
connect [kə'nɛkt] |
combination [kɔmbɪ'neɪʃən] |
blend [blɛnd] |
connected together [kə'nɛktəd tə'gɛðə(r)] |
bolted joint ['bəultəd ʤɔɪnt] |
allies ['ælaɪz] |
mechanical bond [mɪ'kænɪkl bɔnd] |
pin-jointed [pɪn 'ʤɔɪntəd] |
coupling ['kʌplɪŋ] |
associated [ə'səusɪeɪtəd] |
match [mæʧ] |
connect with [kə'nɛkt wɪð] |
merged [mə:ʤd] |
merged with [mə:ʤd wɪð] |
get online [gɛt 'ɔ:nlaɪn] |
match [mæʧ] |
put through [put θru:] |