Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
exercise ['ɛksəsaɪz] |
Practice makes perfect ['præktəs meɪks pər'fɛkt] |
aerobic exercises | |
use makes mastery | |
exercises ['ɛksərsaɪzəz] |
drill [drɪl] |
Activity book | |
exercise ['ɛksəsaɪz] |
physical athletic ['fɪzɪkl æθ'lɛtɪk] |
mental exercises | |
attack grill [ə'tæk grɪl] |
working-out ['wə:kɪŋ aut] |
warm-up exercise [wɔ:m ʌp 'ɛksəsaɪz] |
exercise ['ɛksəsaɪz] |
cardio training ['kɑ:dɪə 'treɪnɪŋ] |
bar exercises [bɑ:(r) 'ɛksərsaɪzəz] |
fire drill ['faɪə(r) drɪl] |
evacuation drill [ɪvækju'weɪʃən drɪl] |
work-out [wə:k aut] |
I am exercising. [aɪ æm 'ɛksərsaɪzɪŋ] |
resistive exercise [resistive 'ɛksəsaɪz] |
exercise ['ɛksəsaɪz] |
flat bench flies [flæt bɛnʧ flaɪz] |
an exercise [ən 'ɛksəsaɪz] |
safety drills ['seɪftɪ drɪlz] |
will include exercises in the use of [wɪl ɪn'klu:d 'ɛksərsaɪzəz ɪn ðə ju:s ɔv] |
training activities ['treɪnɪŋ æk'tɪvɪtɪz] |
concurrent activity [kən'kʌrnt æk'tɪvɪtɪ] |
computer-simulated exercise [kəm'pju:tə(r) 'sɪmjuleɪtɪd 'ɛksəsaɪz] |
rehearsal [rɪ'hə:sl] |
land live exercise [lænd lɪv 'ɛksəsaɪz] |
practice for parade ['præktəs fɔ:(r) pə'reɪd] |
cardio exercises ['kɑ:dɪə 'ɛksərsaɪzəz] |
fire drill ['faɪə(r) drɪl] |
comprehension [kɔmprɪ'hɛnʃən] |
practice ['præktəs] |
practise the piano ['præktɪs ðə pɪ'ænə] |
air raid drills [ɛə(r) reɪd drɪlz] |
floor exercises [flɔ:(r) 'ɛksərsaɪzəz] |
stretch [strɛʧ] |
weight training [weɪt 'treɪnɪŋ] |
I work out every morning [aɪ wə:k aut 'ɛvrɪ 'mɔ:nɪŋ] |
I'm exercising. [aɪm 'ɛksərsaɪzɪŋ] |
exercise ['ɛksəsaɪz] |
training exercises ['treɪnɪŋ 'ɛksərsaɪzəz] |