Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
acting ['æktɪŋ] |
active ['æktɪv] |
actor ['æktə(r)] |
actress ['æktrɪs] |
assets ['æsɛts] |
current ['kʌrnt] |
mime [maɪm] |
topical ['tɔpəkl] |
varied ['vɛrɪd] |
update [ʌp'deɪt] |
currently ['kʌrntlɪ] |
marriage certificate ['mɛrɪʤ sə'tɪfɪkɪt] |
act [ækt] |
wasting asset ['weɪstɪŋ 'æsɛt] |
briefcase ['bri:fkeɪs] |
freehold ['fri:həuld] |
act of killing | |
act of mercy | |
topicality [topicality] |
deed [di:d] |
dossier ['dɔsɪeɪ] |
portfolio [pɔ:r'tfəulɪəu] |
actively ['æktɪvlɪ] |
activist ['æktəvɪst] |
official record | |
upgrade [ʌp'greɪd] |
activity [æk'tɪvɪtɪ] |
a counsel of despair | |
trial master file | |
investigator file | |
active ['æktɪv] |
prevailing exchange rate | |
comedienne [kəmi:dɪ'ɛn] |
act of vandalism | |
active participations | |
excluded assets | |
act [ækt] |
briefcase ['bri:fkeɪs] |
active social life | |
current ['kʌrnt] |
portfolio [pɔ:r'tfəulɪəu] |
assets and liabilities ['æsɛts ænd laɪə'bɪlɪtɪz] |
liquid assets ['lɪkwəd 'æsɛts] |
cash assets | |
net assets [nɛt 'æsɛts] |
property, plant and equipment, tangible assets ['prɔpətɪ plɑ:nt ænd ɪ'kwɪpmənt 'tænʤəbl 'æsɛts] |
actual assets | |
company assets, corporate assets | |
brief [bri:f] |
activation [æktə'veɪʃən] |
capital assets ['kæpətl 'æsɛts] |
act [ækt] |
regular bus line nearby | |
activate ['æktəveɪt] |
bring up to date [brɪŋ ʌp tu deɪt] |
indoor/outdoor activities ['ɪndɔ:(r) 'autdɔ:(r) spɔ:ts] |
executive briefcase | |
activity holiday [æk'tɪvɪtɪ 'hɔlədeɪ] |
Sex Discrimination Act [sɛks dɪskrɪmɪ'neɪʃən ækt] |
upgrading [əp'greɪdɪŋ] |
actualizationtion | |
actualization [actualization] |
actinium | |
activity [æk'tɪvɪtɪ] |
latest news ['leɪtɪst nju:z] |
pardon ['pɑ:dn] |
Current vaccine | |
actoractress | |
death certificate [dɛθ sə'tɪfɪkɪt] |
current offer ['kə:ənt 'ɔfə(r)] |
marriage certificate ['mɛrɪʤ sə'tɪfɪkɪt] |
liquidate assets ['lɪkwɪdeɪt 'æsɛts] |
news story [nju:z 'stɔ:rɪ] |
enabled [e'neɪbəld] |
actor/ actress ['æktə(r) 'æktrɪs] |
nude [nju:d] |
latest prices ['leɪtɪst 'praɪsɪz] |
Ac ['eɪsi:] |
assets ['æsɛts] |
total assets ['təutl 'æsɛts] |
act of violence [ækt ɔv 'vaɪələns] |
wedding certificate ['wɛdɪŋ sə'tɪfɪkɪt] |
fixed assets [fɪkst 'æsɛts] |
proactively ['prəuæktɪvlɪ] |
deferred tax assets [dɪ'fə:d tæks 'æsɛts] |
ac-tin ['eɪsi: tɪn] |
actin ['æktn] |
mime / wizard / spy / spies [maɪm 'wɪzərd spaɪ spaɪz] |
foreign affairs ['fɔ:ən ə'fɛrz] |
act [ækt] |
active people ['æktɪv 'pi:pl] |
activity [æk'tɪvɪtɪ] |
indictment [ɪn'daɪtmənt] |
PROACTIVELY ['prəuæktɪvlɪ] |
prospecting for customers [prɔ:s'pɛktɪŋ fɔ:(r) 'kʌstəmərz] |
normative act ['nɔ:mətɪv ækt] |
mime [maɪm] |
acting ['æktɪŋ] |
online activist accused of 'defaming' the king on Twitter ['ɔ:nlaɪn 'æktəvɪst ə'kju:zd ɔv 'defaming' ðə kɪŋ ɔn twɪtə(r)] |
current ['kə:ənt] |