Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
westerly ['wɛstərlɪ] |
worth while [wə:θ waɪl] |
worthwhile ['wə:θwaɪl] |
Westerners ['wɛstərnərz] |
worthwhile ['wə:θwaɪl] |
worthwhile ['wə:θwaɪl] |
worthwile [worthwile] |
He's going from the west to the east [hi:z 'gəuɪŋ frɔm ðə wɛst tu ðə i:st] |
worthwhile ['wə:θwaɪl] |
be worth to the effort [bi: wə:θ tu ðə 'ɛfərt] |
in much of the west [ɪn mʌʧ ɔv ðə wɛst] |
worthwhile ['wə:θwaɪl] |
worthwhile ['wə:θwaɪl] |
worthwhile ['wə:θwaɪl] |
Old Wild West Indians [əuld waɪld wɛst 'ɪndɪənz] |
to admire and uncritically accept everything that comes from the West [tu æd'maɪə(r) ænd ən'krɪtɪkəlɪ æk'sɛpt 'ɛvrɪθɪŋ ðæt kʌmz frɔm ðə wɛst] |