Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
border checks ['bɔ:də(r) ʧɛks] |
carry out checks ['kærɪ aut ʧɛks] |
routine checks | |
Euro checks are issued in denominations | |
The Quality Control Department checks that the products have no defects. [ðə 'kwɔlɪtɪ kən'trəul dɪ'pɑ:tmənt ʧɛks ðæt ðə 'prɔdəkts hæv nəu 'di:fekts] |
safety checks ['seɪftɪ ʧɛks] |
take checks [teɪk ʧɛks] |
accept checks [æk'sɛpt ʧɛks] |
personal checks ['pə:sɪnl ʧɛks] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
Operators should operate an 'effective ['ɔpəreɪtərz ʃud 'ɔpəreɪt ən 'effective] |
screening meeting ['skri:nɪŋ 'mi:tɪŋ] |