Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
operate ['ɔpəreɪt] |
operate on ['ɔpəreɪt ɔn] |
operate on ['ɔpəreɪt ɔn] |
operate on people ['ɔpəreɪt ɔn 'pi:pl] |
operate ['ɔpəreɪt] |
operate ['ɔpəreɪt] |
operate correctly | |
operate on a tight budget | |
operates ['ɔpəreɪts] |
operated on the patient ['ɔpəreɪtəd ɔn ðə 'peɪʃnt] |
operate on sb ['ɔpəreɪt ɔn 'sʌmbədɪ] |
operate ['ɔpəreɪt] |
operate ['ɔpəreɪt] |
operate ['ɔpəreɪt] |
operate on sb ['ɔpəreɪt ɔn 'sʌmbədɪ] |
operates on the environment ['ɔpəreɪts ɔn ðə ɪn'vaɪərnmənt] |
operate on ['ɔpəreɪt ɔn] |
operate ['ɔpəreɪt] |
operate ['ɔpəreɪt] |
operated on by Dr May ['ɔpəreɪtəd ɔn baɪ draɪv meɪ] |
operate a till ['ɔpəreɪt ə tɪl] |
operate assembly line ['ɔpəreɪt ə'sɛmblɪ laɪn] |
operate in accordance with ['ɔpəreɪt ɪn ə'kɔ:dəns wɪð] |
operate a machine ['ɔpəreɪt ə mə'ʃi:n] |
operate on ['ɔpəreɪt ɔn] |
operate a plane ['ɔpəreɪt ə pleɪn] |
operate ['ɔpəreɪt] |
operate a drone ['ɔpəreɪt ə drəun] |
operate ['ɔpəreɪt] |
operate a till ['ɔpəreɪt ə tɪl] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
machine tool [mə'ʃi:n tu:l] |
forming ['fɔ:mɪŋ] |
public transport ['pʌblɪk træn'spɔ:t] |
contraption [kən'træpʃən] |