Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
arrival board [ə'raɪvəl bɔ:d] |
A weather presenter informs people about the weather on the TV or radio. [ə 'wɛðə(r) 'prɛzəntə(r) ɪn'fɔ:mz 'pi:pl ə'baut ðə 'wɛðə(r) ɔn ðə 'ti:vi: ɔ:(r) 'reɪdɪəu] |
TV and the Internet keep people informed of the news as it happens ['ti:vi: ænd ðə 'ɪntərnɛt ki:p 'pi:pl ɪn'fɔ:md ɔv ðə nju:z æz ɪt 'hæpənz] |
any kind of set of programs that tell a computer what to do ['ɛnɪ kaɪnd ɔv sɛt ɔv 'prəugræmz ðæt tɛl ə kəm'pju:tə(r) wɔt tu du:] |