Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
chest pain [ʧɛst peɪn] |
caged animal | |
free-range | |
a paind in my chest | |
chest pains [ʧɛst peɪnz] |
I've got pain in my chest. [aɪv gɔt peɪn ɪn maɪ ʧɛst] |
pain in my chest [peɪn ɪn maɪ ʧɛst] |
I've got a pain in my chest [aɪv gɔt ə peɪn ɪn maɪ ʧɛst] |
chest hurt [ʧɛst hə:t] |
The bird is inside the cage [ðə bə:d ɪz ɪn'saɪd ðə keɪʤ] |
Her chest felt tight. [hə:(r) ʧɛst fɛlt taɪt] |
chest tightness [ʧɛst 'taɪtnəs] |
How will you describe pain in chest? [hau wɪl ju: dɪs'kraɪb peɪn ɪn ʧɛst] |
How would you describe the pain in your chest? [hau wud ju: dɪs'kraɪb ðə peɪn ɪn jɔ:(r) ʧɛst] |
caged up [keɪʤd ʌp] |
we pass each other in the staircase [wi: pɑ:s i:ʧ 'ʌðə(r) ɪn ðə 'stɛəkeɪs] |
makes your breath [meɪks jɔ:(r) brɛθ] |
I met him at the stair. [aɪ mɛt hɪm æt ðə stɛə(r)] |
pain (in your chest) [peɪn ɪn jɔ:(r) ʧɛst] |
pain in the chest [peɪn ɪn ðə ʧɛst] |