Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
customer contact | |
have good customer care | |
customer drive ['kʌstəmə(r) draɪv] |
customer relations ['kʌstəmə(r) rɪ'leɪʃənz] |
to deal with a client [tu di:l wɪð ə 'klaɪənt] |
meet customers [mi:t 'kʌstəmərz] |
handle the customer ['hændl ðə 'kʌstəmə(r)] |
contact with the customer who is interested in the offer ['kɔntækt wɪð ðə 'klaɪənt hu: ɪz 'ɪntrɪstəd ɪn ðə 'ɔfə(r)] |
creating tender specifications with the client [kri:'eɪtɪŋ 'tɛndə(r) spɛsɪfə'keɪʃənz wɪð ðə 'klaɪənt] |
to be able to cooperate with the client in creating specifications, we must be a trusted person, and this is slowly created based on previous contacts [tu bi: 'eɪbl tu kəu'ɔpəreɪt wɪð ðə 'klaɪənt ɪn kri:'eɪtɪŋ spɛsɪfə'keɪʃənz wi: mʌst bi: ə 'tr] |
contact with client ['kɔntækt wɪð 'klaɪənt] |