Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
assist [ə'sɪst] |
avail [ə'veɪl] |
help [hɛlp] |
to give sb a hand [tu gɪv 'sʌmbədɪ ə hænd] |
help [hɛlp] |
lend a hand [lɛnd ə hænd] |
aid [eɪd] |
help with the housework [hɛlp wɪð ðə 'hauswə:k] |
help around the house [hɛlp ər'aund ðə haus] |
give sb a hand/assist sb [gɪv 'sʌmbədɪ ə hænd ə'sɪst 'sʌmbədɪ] |
help to [hɛlp tu] |
to help [tu hɛlp] |
to help round the house | |
pick up | |
armen Leuten helfen | |
help with ............ | |
help to.............. | |
help out with [hɛlp aut wɪð] |
help in the kitchen [hɛlp ɪn ðə 'kɪʧɪn] |
help, helped [hɛlp hɛlpt] |
help / rescue [hɛlp 'rɛskju:] |
to help in the treatment [tu hɛlp ɪn ðə 'tri:tmənt] |
help people in poverty [hɛlp 'pi:pl ɪn 'pɔvərtɪ] |
help people in trouble [hɛlp 'pi:pl ɪn 'trʌbl] |
assist [ə'sɪst] |
assist sb [ə'sɪst 'sʌmbədɪ] |
give sb a hand [gɪv 'sʌmbədɪ ə hænd] |
help the community [hɛlp ðə kə'mju:nɪtɪ] |
helfen [helfen] |
help [hɛlp] |
help sb out [hɛlp 'sʌmbədɪ aut] |
help to [hɛlp tu] |
nurture ['nə:ʧə(r)] |
helping fighters return to civilian life ['hɛlpɪŋ 'faɪtərz rɪ'tə:n tu sɪ'vɪlɪən laɪf] |
help in difficult situations [hɛlp ɪn 'dɪfɪkəlt sɪʧu'eɪʃənz] |
help each other [hɛlp i:ʧ 'ʌðə(r)] |
help customers [hɛlp 'kʌstəmərz] |
help with the household chores [hɛlp wɪð ðə 'haushəuld ʧɔ:z] |
help my mum [hɛlp maɪ mʌm] |
aid investigation [eɪd ɪnvɛstɪ'geɪʃən] |
help out [hɛlp aut] |
lend a hand [lɛnd ə hænd] |
help people [hɛlp 'pi:pl] |
to assist somebody [tu ə'sɪst 'sʌmbədɪ] |
help people with the law [hɛlp 'pi:pl wɪð ðə lɔ:] |
aid [eɪd] |
to help around the house [tu hɛlp ər'aund ðə haus] |
help prepare a meal [hɛlp prɪ'pɛə(r) ə mi:l] |
aid [eɪd] |
help [hɛlp] |
assist [ə'sɪst] |
help people with the law [hɛlp 'pi:pl wɪð ðə lɔ:] |
help people in need [hɛlp 'pi:pl ɪn ni:d] |