Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
windswept ['wɪnswɛpt] |
blow away [bləu ə'weɪ] |
gone with the wind | |
Every day we must fight with the wind ['ɛvrɪ deɪ wi: mʌst faɪt wɪð ðə waɪnd] |
We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. [wi: 'kænɔt dər'ɛkt ðə waɪnd bʌt wi: kæn ə'ʤʌst ðə seɪlz] |
run before the wind [rʌn bɪ'fɔ:(r) ðə waɪnd] |
downwind leg [daun'wɪnd lɛg] |
to protect ourselves from rain and wind [tu prə'tɛkt auər'sɛlvz frɔm reɪn ænd waɪnd] |