Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
hold back tears of joy | |
hold breath [həuld brɛθ] |
hold up [həuld ʌp] |
halt [hɔ:lt] |
hold your breath [həuld jɔ:(r) brɛθ] |
to abstain from voting [tu əb'steɪn frɔm 'vəutɪŋ] |
hold - held - held | |
withhold [wɪ'θhəuld] |
withheld [wɪ'θhɛld] |
to abstain from (doing sth) [tu əb'steɪn frɔm 'dju:ɪŋ 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
hold back tears [həuld bæk tɛrz] |
hold the bus [həuld ðə bʌs] |
freeze on [fri:z ɔn] |
stop an allowance [stɔp ən ə'lauəns] |
put sth on hold [put 'sʌmθɪŋ ɔn həuld] |
hold up traffic [həuld ʌp 'træfɪk] |