Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
download ['daunləud] |
levy ['lɛvɪ] |
pull off [pul ɔf] |
cheat in an exam [ʧi:t ɪn ən ɪg'zæm] |
cheat during a test [ʧi:t 'durɪŋ ə tɛst] |
a cheat sheet [ə ʧi:t ʃi:t] |
download ['daunləud] |
download a file ['daunləud ə faɪl] |
puller ['pulə(r)] |
cheat sheet [ʧi:t ʃi:t] |
dawnload a file | |
download a data ['daunləud ə 'deɪtə] |
cheat in a test [ʧi:t ɪn ə tɛst] |
collectible [kə'lɛktəbl] |
dowload a file | |
dowload a data | |
download ['daunləud] |
copy ['kɔpɪ] |
cheat in the exam [ʧi:t ɪn ðə ɪg'zæm] |
cheat during a test [ʧi:t 'durɪŋ ə tɛst] |
crib [krɪb] |
cheat [ʧi:t] |
downloading ['daunləudɪŋ] |
cheat in a exam [ʧi:t ɪn ə ɪg'zæm] |
to download [tu 'daunləud] |
dowload a file / data | |
draw sb's fire [drɔ: sb's 'faɪə(r)] |
download a ringtone | |
pull off [pul ɔf] |
to cheat [tu ʧi:t] |
cheat on exams | |
down load film / down load movie [daun ləud fɪlm daun ləud 'mu:vɪ] |
cheat [ʧi:t] |
download music ['daunləud 'mju:zɪk] |
prosecute ['prɔsɪkju:t] |
crib off from sb [krɪb ɔf frɔm 'sʌmbədɪ] |
download ['daunləud] |
download a file/data/a program ['daunləud ə faɪl 'deɪtə ə 'prəugræm] |
welts [welts] |
podcast [podcast] |
cheat note [ʧi:t nəut] |
copy from ['kɔpɪ frɔm] |
download ['daunləud] |
a crib [ə krɪb] |
crib [krɪb] |
screen wiper [skri:n 'waɪpə(r)] |
to collect taxes [tu kə'lɛkt 'tæksɪz] |
cheat [ʧi:t] |
licence fee enforcement should be improved ['laɪsɪns fi: en'fɔ:smənt ʃud bi: ɪm'pru:vd] |
download games ['daunləud geɪmz] |
download songs ['daunləud sɔ:ŋz] |
download files / videos ['daunləud faɪlz 'vɪdɪəz] |
cheat in test [ʧi:t ɪn tɛst] |
download a song ['daunləud ə sɔŋ] |
cheat in a test [ʧi:t ɪn ə tɛst] |
cheat in exam [ʧi:t ɪn ɪg'zæm] |
copy ['kɔpɪ] |
download music ['daunləud 'mju:zɪk] |
sap [sæp] |
cheat in tests [ʧi:t ɪn tɛsts] |
incur sth [ɪn'kə: 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
sheet [ʃi:t] |